Adding & Editing Project Categories

Adding Category when adding a project.

When you are adding a project you can add a new category directly using the Category selector on the right side of the page

  1. In the Project Category box click Add New Category set link
  2. Give the new category a name
  3. Select the Parent Category(the category you want this to appear under) in the drop down selector
  4. Click Add New Category button.
  5. To finalise the changes make sure you also click the Publish/Update button to save the page

Manage Project Categories

If you want to change the existing categories add add a whole lot of new ones then it’s probably easiest to do that on the Project Category page.

  1. Go to Projects > Project Categories
  2. From here you can add new categories using the options on the left
  3. Or you can manage existing categories by selecting edit on the category you want to work with.

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