Product Categories

Product categories are the primary way to group products with similar features. You can also add subcategories if desired.

For example, if you sell clothing, you might have “t-shirts”, “hoodies” and “pants” as categories.

Assign products to a category

  • In the WordPress Admin browse to the product you wish to work with.
  • On the product page in the right column there is a box called Categories. Simply tick the categories that you would like the product to appear in.
  • Click Update to save your changes
  • You can also add a new category by clicking +Add new category link. Categories can also be managed from the Products > Categories screen.

How to add/edit product categories

Categories are managed from the Products > Categories screen.

Similar to categories on your posts in WordPress, you can add, delete, and edit product categories.

  • Add a Name.
  • Add a Slug (optional); this is the URL-friendly version of the name.
  • Choose a Parent if this is a subcategory.
  • Enter a Description (optional); some themes display this.
  • Upload/Add Image (optional);  Some themes have pages where product category images are displayed, so this is a good idea.

Since WooCommerce 3.3, there will be a default category. Every product must be assigned to a category, so the default category will be automatically assigned if the product is not assigned to any other category. By default, this category will be named “Uncategorized” and can not be deleted. However, you can rename the category. You can also switch the default category using the row actions underneath the category name, then the “Uncategorized” category can be deleted as it is no longer the default.

Make default category

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